Friday, March 28, 2008

The Anatomical Self, Broadly Construed, to the Strains of Bob Dylan (Really!)

Giulio Casserio(ca. 1552-1616)
Charles Estienne(1504-ca. 1564)
Jacques Fabien Gautier DAgoty, 1773
Fritz Kahn, 1931
La poupée (The Doll), Hans Bellmer, 1936
Giulio Casserio(ca. 1552-1616 )(anatomist) and Odoardo Fialetti (artist)
Juan Valverde de Amusco (ca. 1525-ca. 1588)
I happened upon a curious web-based project: a collection of "anatomical imagery" (broadly construed) arranged into a sort of loose narrative, interspersed with what appears to be the text from Bob Dylan's Shelter from the Storm. Its a very idiosyncratic grouping of images (the images above constitute a very small sampling) and is well worth a look, if only for the collection and variety of the images; check it out here on a blog called Dadadumdumdodo.

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