I just read on the Corporeality website about a really interesting looking symposium to be held at the Fitzwilliam Museum and the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut called "Natural Dialogues: Art, Science, and Material Objects." The call for papers is open until October 14th, and the conference will take place February 21, 2009.
Just a few possible areas of possible inquiry, suggested by the symposium organizers:
• networks of artists and scientists
• artist/scientist collaborations
• art and the natura world
• the philosophical concept of the sublime
• science museum displays
• scientific illustration
For a complete list of suggested topics and further information, check out the Corporeality website.
Image: Gautier d'Agoty, from the book Myologie complette en couleur et grandeur naturelle : composee de l'Essai et de la Suite de l'Essai d'anatomie, en tableaux imprimes; ouvrage unique, utile et necessaire aux etudians & amateurs de cette science, 1746.
Awww, I wish it was open to postgrads as well as graduate students. Sounds like a wonderful suite of topics!
That makes two of us! It sounds pretty amazing...
the link to the corporeality site isn't working. can you provide url in a comment/reply?
Sorry about that, Dan. Its fixed, and here is the link:
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