The entire e-text (including images!) of George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle's 1901 tome Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine is available on the University of Virginia Library website. I think my favorite image thus far is "Menstruation of the Breast," the top image here. But there is much, much more exploring to do...
You can read and peruse the images of the entire text for yourself here. You can also read more about the book on Mind Hacks, the website that alerted me to the text's online existence.
My grandmother got this for me at a garage sale when I was fourteen - I'm in college now and have taken it with me. Last semester, I got to show it to one of my professors. I love it!
Man, I've got to keep my eyes open for this, it looks intriguing!
Absolutely fantastic book. I have a reprint in my collection (always on the look out for an original) and have used several quotes and pictures on my website.
Fantastic book,i have never seen something like this!Very nice work!
Dr. Panagiotis
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