Shirlee Saul, proprietress of Memory Palace and Curiosity Cabinet (as well as a really wonderful Flickr photostream) is now also the editor of a new journal "Second Nature: International Journal of Creative Media." Volume One, Issue One--which has just launched, in web and PoD Lulu format--is themed "Role Models," and includes a beautifully presented piece on Anatomical Theatre, a photographic exhibition of medical museums that I launched a few years ago. The rest of the journal looks to be pretty interesting as well; here is a description of the journal and this particular issue, from the Lulu page:
Second Nature: The International Journal of Creative Media is a new open access, peer-reviewed online journal that explores the distinctive particulars of and interconnections between textual, visual, aural and interactive creative research and practices. This issue, 'Role Models', is headlined by a keynote article 'Down with the Design Professions!' from eminent MIT scholar, Prof. William J. Mitchell. Articles by other scholars and researchers tease out some of the issues and ideas suggested by Mitchell, interrogating the theme 'role models' from a variety of angles. The journal's 'Projects' include suites of photography -- suggesting non-linguistic approaches to the conceptual and creative challenges and opportunities that the past poses for the present.You can peruse the entire journal online by clicking here. You can view the Shirlee's piece on Anatomical Theatre by clicking here; click here for more on the exhibition. You can order a hard copy of the journal--full color and 200 pages!--by clicking here. The theme of issue 2, incidentally, will be "Mobile Gaming and Haptic Screen Cultures;" if you are interested in submitting a paper or in finding out more, click here.
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