Breaking news just in from John Troyer of the Centre for Death and Society at the University of Bath, who will be lecturing on the invention of the modern human corpse at Observatory next Thursday (click here for info): it has been announced that Michael Jackson's body will be plastinated by the infamous Gunther von Hagens!
From the article, found on the Daily Mail website:
Michael Jackson will live on as a 'plastinated' creature preserved by German doctor Gunther von Hagens.You can read the whole article by clicking here. Thanks so much, John, for alerting me to this story. I should also note: John fully intends to work this topic into his Observatory lecture this Thursday! So--if such things are of interest--be sure to come to stop by (again, more info here).
Von Hagens has caused controversy with everyone from the Pope to the chief rabbi in Israel with his practice of embalming corpses with preserving polyurethane.
Yesterday, he declared: 'An agreement is in place to plastinate the King of Pop.'
Image: "Michael Jackson (and Bubbles)" by Jeff Koons, Porcelain Sculpture, 1988
I wish this was a hoax.
Daily Mail? Isn't that like the National Enquirer.
Please. You honestly think his family would allow this?
HOAX. Just like the phony autopsy flyin' around the internets.
This is a hoax. The article says Bubbles was plastinated and Jackson's body will be displayed next to it. Bubbles is still alive and living in Florida.
Amazing - have posted this up on Wellcome Collection's twitter...
Hi All
Yes, I have heard from many sources that the MJ Plastinizaton is a hoax, and that the Daily Mail is the National Enquirer of England. Sorry! I guess I wanted to (and still do want to!) believe the story a bit too much...
I want to believe it too! ;)
not that i think this should be typical means of embalming a body. im kind of a partial to rotting in the ground and having my flesh return from where it came. i just think it would be very fitting for old micky.
(speaking of well preserving corpses- this type of preservation (plastination) does make one question, just how long the ancient egyptian mummys kept their "life-like appearance". i can only assume that they looked near life-like for quite sometime, if their corpses are still rotting, instead of disintegrated after thousands of years.)
Wonder if this will happen now he is actually dead. I thought he was being buried.
This can't be true can it? It sounds like just another one of those media stories which keep coming out in order to sell more papers.
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