Next weekend, October 17th and 18th, please join the Morbid Anatomy Library and Observatory as we join dozens of other Gowanus-based galleries and artist studios in opening our spaces to the public for the 13th annual Gowanus Artists Studio Tour, or "A.G.A.S.T." I am told that these open studios are very well attended and lots of fun. Plus, we'll be offering snacks, beverages, and pretty things to look at. Hope to see you there!
Here are the full details:
13th annual Gowanus Artists Studio Tour (A.G.A.S.T.)You can find out more information about A.G.A.S.T., and get a full list of participants, by clicking here. You can find out more about Observatory and the exhibition now on view by clicking here.
Saturday October 17th and Sunday October 18th
1-6 PM
543 Union Street at Nevins, Brooklyn
Free and Open to the Public
Directions: Enter the Morbid Anatomy Library and Observatory via Proteus Gowanus Gallery
R or M train to Union Street in Brooklyn: Walk two long blocks on Union (towards the Gowanus Canal) to Nevins Street. 543 Union Street is the large red brick building on right. Go right on Nevins and left down alley through large black gates. Gallery is the second door on the left.
F or G train to Carroll Street: Walk one block to Union. Turn right, walk two long blocks on Union towards the Gowanus Canal, cross the bridge, take left on Nevins, go down the alley to the second door on the left.
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