This Friday the 13th, Evan Michelson--co-owner of Obscura Antiques and Oddities, my favorite store in the entire world and closest thing that I know of to a Morbid Anatomy Giftshop--will be delivering a presentation at Observatory, Brooklyn, entitled "The Culture of Curiosity." This illustrated lecture will explore the contemporary popularity of Cabinets of Curiosity from her unique perspective as one of New York's foremost purveyors and collectors of medical, natural, and industrial curiosities. She will also be bringing artifacts from her personal and professional collection for your perusal and enjoyment. Evan is an excellent speaker, and I can't wait to see her official take on this ever-so-relevant topic. Hope to see you there!
Full details:
Morbid Anatomy Presents at ObservatoryFor more information about the event, click here. For more information about Observatory, click here. To join the Observatory mailing list, click here. You can join the Observatory Facebook Group by clicking here. For more on the fabulous Obscura Antiques and Oddities, click here; to visit their still nascent website, click here.
"The Culture of Curiosity"
Illustrated Lecture by Evan Michelson, Obscura Antiques and Oddities
Friday, November 13th
8:00 (doors at 7)
$5 Admission
The Culture of Curiosity is everywhere these days. Wunderkammer appear in popular art, cutting-edge fashion, film, books and museum exhibitions. This aesthetic has proved surprisingly durable and popular for over 600 years. From temple to home to museum, the Culture of Curiosity continues to exert an irresistible pull on our collective psyches, and it shows no signs of falling from favor any time soon.
Where did it come from? What is it’s continuing appeal? Why is it resurgent at this moment in time?
Let’s see if we can find out.
Evan Michelson is co-owner of Obscura Antiques and Oddities {obscuraantiques.com}, and has been buying, selling and collecting rare, beautiful and uncanny objects for many years. The shop opened in the East Village in 1991, and was a pioneer in the latest renaissance of the Wunderkammer aesthetic. She currently lives in Victorian splendor in Plainfield, NJ, in a cabinet of her very own.
543 Union Street (at Nevins), Brooklyn, NY 11215 (View Map)
Enter Observatory via Proteus Gowanus Gallery
R or M train to Union Street in Brooklyn: Walk two long blocks on Union (towards the Gowanus Canal) to Nevins Street. 543 Union Street is the large red brick building on right. Go right on Nevins and left down alley through large black gates. Gallery is the second door on the left.F or G train to Carroll Street: Walk one block to Union. Turn right, walk two long blocks on Union towards the Gowanus Canal, cross the bridge, take left on Nevins, go down the alley to the second door on the left.
Image: Early 20th Century, life-sized wax mannequin residing in Michelson's home collection. Photos of this mannequin--as well as many other amazing objects from Evan's collection--can be found in my photographic exhibition "Private Cabinets;" You can view the entire series by clicking here.
This sounds amazing...I think we shall attend, just the sort of thing to zap us out of a numb nuts work week...thanks!
I saw this in London, I urge everyone to see visit this exhibition, it is incredible!
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