This year's Congress of the European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences will take place from September 16th-19th at the Medical Museion at the University of Copenhagen. As I said in an earlier post on this topic, "if the Museion's awesome blog Biomedicine on Display is any indication, this conference--which aims to investigate ways in which museums can respond to the challenge raised by the "molecularisation, miniaturisation...digitalisation and intangibilisation" of new medicine--will be thought-provoking, innovative, and revelatory."
I just received a reminder from Thomas Soderqvist, the conference organizer, for paper submissions. The deadline is March 29th. For more, see Thomas' email below:
Just to remind you about the forthcoming meeting in Copenhagen in September about the challenge to museums posed by contemporary developments in biomedical science and medical technology.If you would like further information or have any questions, please contact Thomas Soderqvist at ths@sund.ku.dk. You can visit the Medical Museion website by clicking here, and its immensely readable blog "Biomedicine on Display" by clicking here. Visit the EAMHMS website by clicking here. Information about the last awesome EAMHMS conference can be found by clicking here.
How do museums today handle the material and visual heritage of contemporary medical and health science and technology? How do curators wield the increasing amount and kinds of more or less intangible and invisible scientific, medical and digital objects? Which intellectual, conceptual, and practical questions does this challenge give rise to?
We're aiming for two intensive days with visually enhanced presentations, good discussions and excellent food in beautiful surroundings.
Read the full call here:
http://tinyurl.com/ylx5atx or here:
Further information here: http://www.mm.ku.dk/sker/eamhms.aspx
Send proposals for presentations, panels etc. to ths@sund.ku.dk, not later than Monday 29 March.
Program committee:
Ken Arnold, Wellcome Collection, London
Robert Bud, Science Museum, London
Judy Chelnick, National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C.
Mieneke te Hennepe, Boerhaave Museum, Leiden
Thomas Soderqvist, Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen (chair).
Image: David Gregory & Debbie Marshall, Wellcome Images; SEM of blood corpuscles in clot. Scanning electron micrograph of red blood corpuscles and a single white blood cell entangled in the fibrin mesh of a clot, computer-coloured red/yellow/white; Scanning electron micrograph 2003; Collection: Wellcome Images
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