Private Eben Smith, Co. A, 11th Maine Volunteers. Wounded at Deep Bottom, Virginia by a conoidal ball, August 16, 1864. Primary amputation by Acting Assistant Surgeon J.C. Morton on September 14, 1864. Amputation at the hip was performed by Acting Assistant Surgeon John H. Packard on January 19, 1865. Illustration by Baumgras.
This is one of a set of illustrations (our collection of Civil War Medical Illustrations) done during the Civil War by Army Medical Museum staff.
Selected by Kathleen
Otis Archives, the epic Flickr collection of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, as reblogged by
Turn of the Century blog. Click on the image to view larger, lovelier image.
i'm so glad you loved this,i actually thought of m.a. when i was posting it;]
there's also this find you might like/if you haven't seen it already
aye crumba! bet that cigarette never tasted soooo good
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