This year, in the interest in offering an alternative to the general horrors that constitute The Holiday Season, The Morbid Anatomy Library is teaming up with our sister spaces Observatory and Proteus Gowanus for an epic, music-accompanied, beverage-enhanced day-long holiday shopping party this Sunday, December 19th, from 12-6 PM.
To the strains of the music of DJ Richard Faulk and with delicious seasonal drink in hand, we invite you to wander the labyrinthian spaces of Proteus Gowanus and its offshoots which will, for this day only, be filled with an amazing array of objects for sale, including (but not limited to): unusual and obscure books, one of a kind taxidermied and outfitted anthropomorphic mice (see above), crocheted skulls, reflective vests for uninsured bikers, miniature library furniture made from library catalogue cards, limited edition photographic prints from The Secret Museum, Private Cabinets, and Anatomical Theatre, and much, much more.
And on the note of "much, much more": The Morbid Anatomy Library continues to actively seek additional merchandise to include in the sale. If you are a maker, artist, author, publisher, taxidermist or collector interested in consigning objects/artifacts/artworks/books/specimens etc. for this event, please contact me at morbidanatomy@gmail.com.
Full directions follow. Hope very, very much to see you there!
Proteus Gowanus, is located at 543 Union Street (between Nevins and Bond) in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Entrance to the gallery is off Nevins Street: enter through the large black gates, walk down the alleyway to the end, second door on the left. Look for the golden arm above the gallery door.
R or M train to Union Street in Brooklyn:
Walk two long blocks on Union (towards the Gowanus Canal) to Nevins Street. 543 Union Street is the large red brick building on right. Go right on Nevins and left down alley through large black gates. Gallery is the second door on the left.
F or G train to Carroll Street:
Walk one block to Union. Turn right, walk two long blocks on Union towards the Gowanus Canal, cross the bridge, take left on Nevins, go down the alley to the second door on the left.
Driving from Manhattan.
(There is usually easy parking on weekends.)
Continue straight off Brooklyn Bridge to Atlantic Avenue, take left on Atlantic. Go four blocks to Nevins St and take a right. Follow Nevins several blocks til you come to Sackett. Park on the next block (just before Union) and go down the alley off Nevins through the large black gates, second door on the left.
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