Morbid Anatomy now has several additional copies of taxidermy collector/historian Pat Morris' lavishly illustrated taxidermic tomes A History of Taxidermy: Art, Science and Bad Taste and Walter Potter and his Museum of Taxidermy in stock and available for immediate sale.
Morris' new and encylopedic History of Taxidermy: Art, Science and Bad Taste (pictured above in images 1-3) is an extensive (nearly 400 pages), large-format, and lavishly illustrated 4-color tome that details the entire history of the art, science, and sometimes questionable trends of taxidermy. This thoroughly-researched and liberally illustrated text discusses the earliest historical pieces, collections public and private, changing techniques throughout its history, human taxidermy (such as shrunken heads, Jeremy Bentham and other examples), anthropomorphic taxidermy and its roots at The Great Exhibition of 1851, the taxidermy and natural history craze of the 19th century, taxidermic kitsch, gentleman country house collections, and much, much, much more.
Morris' other book (images 4-9) details the life and work of Walter Potter, the undisputed king of Victorian anthropomorphic taxidermy and artist behind unforgettable taxidermic tableaux depicting kitten tea parties, bunny schoolhouses, kitten croquet matches and more, not to mention founder of a museum dedicated to his own curious pieces. The book, entitled Walter Potter and his Museum of Taxidermy is large-format, full-color, and features scores of nearly impossible-to-find photographs of Potter's unforgettable works, archival photographs of the early museum, and antique and vintage ephemera related to the museum. The book is also extremely well researched, providing a through biography or Mr Potter, a detailed history of his museum of curious taxidermy, and the stories behind the making of his iconic pieces of anthropomorphic taxidermy.
You can find out more about these books--and order copies of them--by clicking here. But supplies are limited, so order quickly!
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