My sincere apologies for the lack of postings and emails, and a special thanks to all of those who have so generously sent in recommendations for places to visit. I am still on the road in Italy with only intermittent internet access and days filled to the brim with museums, churches, anatomical theatres, ossuaries and reliquaries. As a teaser, here are a few of the things Evan Michelson and I have been encountering on our trip thus far. Evan has been posting more details than I; you can find them here. I will post more--with details, I promise!-- very soon upon my return!
Click on images to see larger versions.
Ah, San Bernardino Alle Ossa. Glad to see you've been there, one of my favourite churches in Milano (and just a minute from my office).
Great blog by the way!
Not just great subjects, but wonderful photography!
Yes, Bee; that church was one of the best things ever! And thank you so much for the kind words, Thombeau! Many more to come.
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