Thanks so very much to all of you for your outpouring of support, donations, and offers to help in the aftermath of The Great Morbid Anatomy Flood of 2012 (more details on that here). Many of you have asked to see a list of those books lost, in the interest of ordering or sending particular books for the library; I have created a special Amazon wish list that contains all books lost, and will ship directly to the library; you can check it out by clicking here.
For those of you who would like to mail books directly, our mailing list is:
Joanna Ebenstein
c/o The Morbid Anatomy Library
543 Union Street #1E
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Thanks so much, again, for all your support, and please save the date for an upcoming benefit party to take place Saturday May 12. Please contact me if you'd like to donate objects or artworks for a silent auction, or talent for performances, or labor!
Just a brief note to say how relieved I am that this was a, comparatively, minor fire. Also, to ask how you are doing, with all of this stress & etc.
How do I access the Amazon wish list?
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