Wow... Another museum/library collection on Flickr! This one is called the "Flickr Dentistry Collection," and has been posted by Rosefirerising of the University of Michigan Dentistry Library. A very impressive collection, containing ephemera, magic lantern slides, books, trade literature, illustrations, images of museum displays, and more. Also some nice, fetishistic macro photos of text, graphic elements, marbelized paper, lovely end paper, bookplates, and all the details of old books that make libraries so wonderful.
Thanks to a blog called Bookn3rd: Book History and Diversions Therefrom for calling my attention to this collection. Click here to peruse the entire collection, comprising 19 sets and over 1000 images. Well, well worth a visit. All images above from the collection.
Oh my goodness, that's some nightmare-inducing content to be sure! (Or is it just me who dreams of busted teeth and lost teeth and teeth doing all kinds of nasty things in and to my skull?)
i love the museums & libraries collection on Flickr. I think its a brilliant & genius idea!
Thank you so much for notifying us!
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