Thought some of you readers out there might be interested in this email that just popped into my inbox. Paxton's Gate--a shop in the San Francisco Mission District specializing in such delights as custom and novelty taxidermy, exotic naturalia, books on anatomy and natural history, reproduction Victorian games and amusements, bell jars, laboratory glass, and articulated skeletons--is seeking artists to produce work for their new "Paxton Gate Curiosities for Kids" shop. Check out their website here to get a better sense of what they're all about; call for work (and employees) below:
Paxton Gate is opening a children's store and is looking for artists. If you or someone you know produces art that you believe is appropriate for what you image our kids' store will be like please request an art submission handout. Wehaven't decided on any particular aesthetic as far as artwork is concerned so we are excited to see what people come up with!
Also just a reminder:
PAXTON GATE's Menacingly Morbid Macabre* Museum of Unnatural Wonders
This Halloween to introduce our new children's store - Paxton Gate's Curiosities for Kids - we have created a Museum of Unnatural Wonders; a shuddersome museum in which children will enjoy exploring and interacting with spine-tingling displays of the natural sciences including botany, biology, zoology and much more!
Children 10 and under, must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Children will be grouped by age and the scariness-level will be set accordingly.
* Additionally: Disturbing, Dreadful, Ghoulish, Monstrous, Abominable, Beastly, Vile, Grisly, Gruesome, Loathsome, Detestable, Hideous, Eerie, Deplorable, Creepy, Grim, Lurid, Ugly, Horrid, Repugnant, Abhorrent, Ghastly, Nightmarish, Direful, Awful and Itchy?
We will also be looking for P/T Salespeople for the new location. If you have experience with children and/or retail settings please request a handout regarding the position. You may request them in the store or via email: retail@paxtongate.com.
Image from Kozyndan's Flick page.