PARIS, FRANCE – Auction sale of the Fabienne & François Marchal Collection of Fairground Art at Drouot Montaigne on September 28-29, 2011. Held by Cornette de Saint-Cyr with nearly 900 lots including a portable Alfred Chanvin & anon. carousel with wooden horses. Selected auction pieces will be shown at Drouot Montaigne from Sept. 7-18. The entire collection will be displayed at the Porte de Versailles exhibition centre from Sept. 23-26.
The Fairground was a major vector of communication in the 19th century, popularizing scientific and medical inventions, as epitomized here by wax anatomical figures from the Palace Museum. The Fabienne & François Marchal Collection is the fruit of many years devoted to the safeguard of a specific aspect of our artistic and cultural heritage.
Among the historic and/or rare items will be some 80 wooden horses and 160 other carousel animals, dating from 1850-1960, including a Van Guyse Noah’s Ark; Spooner centaurs; and rare animals by Mathieu & Bayol. Various target games, wheels of fortune and a music hall shy or bouffes-balles will be among the historic fairground games. There will also be numerous decorative items (monumental figures, caryatides, stall fronts, merry-go-round elements), including large triumphant figures by Alexandre Devos, and salon carousel decorative elements by Anton Benner.
All images from the
Cornette de Saint Cyr auction house website; text from
The Carousel News and Trader. You can find out more--and bid on these lots and many, many more!--by clicking
What gorgeous pieces! I'm especially in awe of the Spooner centaurs.
Beautiful! It's a shame to think the whole collection is going to be scattered though.
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